Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Why all the Ashes?"

ACNS 4120 ACO 28 FEBRUARY 2006
Why all the Ashes?
I was lucky enough to be in one of Professor Frederick Shriver's classesat General Seminary just before he retired. Father Shriver is not one tokeep his opinions to himself and I especially recall his thoughts aboutashes. "You know what I'd do if I were the rector of a church?" he askedour class. "You know what I'd do? I'll tell you what I'd do. At the endof the Ash Wednesday liturgy, I'd be at the back door with a bigwashrag. As people left the church, I'd wipe the ashes off theirforehead and remind them of the words of our Lord, "Beware of practicingyour piety before men in order to be seen by them" (Matthew 6:1).
Father Shriver had no time for religious pretence or hollow religiosity.His sentiments are profoundly biblical, echoing the preaching of theprophets and the teaching of our Lord. Given this strong criticism ofoutward piety and given that at Saint Mary's we will offer ashes all dayon March 1, we might well ask ourselves, "Why all the ashes?
Because ashes are a sign, they are a reminder, and ashes are aninvitation.
Archaeologists tell us that the people of Israel were not alone in usingashes in rituals of purification. Ashes appear in Phoenician burial artand Arabic expressions. Ashes were a sign of grief, mourning,humiliation and penitence. When Job loses everything, he sits among theashes. Cursed and overrun by enemies, the Psalmist "eats ashes likebread, and mingles tears with drink." Ashes are what are left afterdestruction. After chaos or catastrophe, ashes are what remain.
Ashes also remind us of a common origin. The second chapter of Genesistells of how we were created from the dust of the ground. Though we mayspend our lives trying to distinguish ourselves from others, runningafter success and trying to feel different from others, the dust andashes remind us that we are all made of the same stuff. We are remindednot only of our beginning but also of our end. On the First Day of Lent,ashes are imposed with the words, "Remember that you are dust, and todust you shall return." Those words apply to us all.
While ashes may signify and remind, they also invite. They invite us torepentance. They invite us to turn again to God and to receive new life.Isaiah brings glad tidings to the people of Israel, "to give them agarland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning."Ashes are not the end but are just the beginning. They begin a seasonthat moves us through silence and longing into a season of joy andresurrection.
Sunday, February 26 is the Last Sunday after the Epiphany. The musicwill be celebrative and the mood joyous. The alleluias will echo for thenext few days, until we reach the quiet of Ash Wednesday
On that day, may the ashes we receive be a sign of our humility and ourpenitence. May they remind us of our individual sins and the complexityof corporate sin. But more than anything, may the ashes invite us intoGod's presence, into God's love and into God's gift of new life.
Article from: Angelus On Line Newsletter, St Mary the Virgin EpiscopalChurch, New Yorkby Father John Beddingfield

Monday, February 27, 2006

This Week

Tuesday: 6:00 PM Pancake Supper for Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday: Ash Wednesday services at 7:00 AM, 12:15 PM, and 7:00 PM
Friday: 6:00 PM Reading James chapters 3-5 at Cafe Calypso

List of Winners!

The following people earned a 100 year off coupon by their knowledge of the word scalawag:

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Friday 2/24, Sunday 2/26

This Friday Travis, Kendra and Eric will be in San Antonio for Diocesan Council. Please pray for them and everyone else attending.
The Scripture for this Friday's study will be the first three chapters from Song of Songs (AKA Songs of Solomon or Canticle of Canticles depending on your translation). Although Eric will be in San Antonio, Therese will have a sheet of things he would have said if he were at Bible study.
This Friday is also the Feast of St. Matthias the Apostle (he was the one who replaced Judas Iscariot).

Collect of St. Matthias
Almighty God, who in the place of Judas chose your faithful servant Matthias to be numbered among the Twelve: Grant that your Church, being delivered from false apostles, may always be guided and governed by faithful and true pastors; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Readings: Acts 1:15-26, Psalm 15, Philippians 3:13-21, John 15:1,6-16
This Sunday is the week of the Salvation Army Cantine Truck so please be in the kitchen of the parish hall at 6:00 PM to help make sandwiches.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Later that day... (2/12)

Philip watching Eric relive his childhood

All that's missing is Oasis playing in the background

Discussion during Vespers


Fun with menus

I wonder how many hours of filing it took to get teeth like that

Therese's Pinning

Pictures from Therese's Pinning

Processing into the Performing Arts Center

Eric and Therese

Therese and some of the big wigs from the College of Education

Philip giving Therese flowers

Therese and some dude in a robe

Philip "regifting" flowers to Eric

Philip's Confirmation

Philip being given a Book of Common Prayer

Philip, Rachel, and Edward

The laying on of hands

Look at me, I'm Episcopalian

Reading a card from home

Friday Bible Study

This Friday at Calypso we will be reading Revelation chapters 19-21 depending on our pace.

Niki's Confirmation

Tanto, Niki, and Travis' right arm

Niki already following along like a good Episcopalian

Niki being summoned to the front

Fr. Scotty presents Niki to Bishop McArthur to be confirmed

The laying on of hands

Top: Eric, Travis, Edward

Middle: Tony, Rachel, Tanto

Bottom: Therese, Fr. Scotty, Niki, Bishop McArthur, Kimi

Photographer: Sara

Niki and Bishop McArthur

Monday, February 13, 2006

Adventures with Furious Cake

If you were there, you know just how furious this cake really was...

The Furious Cake

Conversing with Charlie

You know you like this photo

Look at the shirt

I can't explain this

Ghost Edward

After a fierce melee, the Furious Cake stands victorious

Philip's Party

Here are some of the pictures from Philip's confirmation celebration.

Where we ate
How you look after a plate of oysters
Therese, Nick, and Edward
I know what you're thinking...
Yes, he's Catholic
Kimi and Kymn
Eric and Therese
You know you're special when your hand glows in the dark
Philip "Sharp Teeth"

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday

OK, so here are some of the pictures taken at Tony and Sara's house on Super Bowl Sunday.

Cake Time

Discussing Firefly, The Matrix,

and the infamous "shower scene"

Our scheming

government man

Everyone by the pool

The Three Stooges

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Therese's Pinning Ceremony

Sunday, February 12 at 3:00 PM Therese will have her Teacher Education Pinning Ceremony! This ceremony is for all students who are almost through with their training as future educators. The ceremony will be at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi in the Performing Arts Center.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Congrats to Niki and Philip

Congratulations to Niki and Philip who will be receiving the laying on of hands this weekend! Bishop Earl McArthur will be visiting St. Bartholomew's to confirm them and nearly a dozen others from the congregation.
Niki, who will be unable to attend the Sunday morning service, will have a special Confirmation service at St. Bartholomew's at 11:00 AM Saturday.
Philip will be confirmed during the 10:30 AM Sunday service.