Friday, March 31, 2006

Easter Bunny: First Strike

The Easter Bunny and his friends have made their first strike. These images are some that came back from "the front".

"Sharp Teeth" en route

Bobble-Head Sentinal

Guerrilla unit

Hot Pink Cavalry

Tony's crazed defense... "resistance is futile"

The Aftermath

Even this peaceful Canadian home isn't safe

Victory Fiesta

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Friday Bible Study, 3/31

This Friday's Bible study will be from Acts of the Apostles. It is important to remember that Acts is intended to be Part II of The Gospel According to St. Luke, that is, that after Christ's ascension and Pentecost the apostles carried on the good news. We will be reading chapters 14-16 which will give some good insight into what the Church was facing both externally and internally and how they dealt with them. Chapter 15 is a critical look at the very first Church Council in Jerusalem which was lead by St. James.

Icon of St. James, Bishop of Jerusalem

Monday, March 27, 2006

Eric's Lenten Talk

Christ Teaching Children - Charles Umlauf

This Wednesday Eric will give a presentation entitled "Young People and the Church" which some have been incorrectly calling "Young People in the Church" when in fact, Eric will do some talking about young people who are, in fact, not in the Church.
Schedule is the same:
5:45 PM - Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM - Dinner
7:00ish PM - fireside chats with Eric

*note: attending this is also worth 200 years of purgatory credit.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Therese's Lenten Talk

This Wednesday, 3-22, Therese will be the speaker for the Lenten program. She will be discussing her recent mission work in Belarus and Russia and have lots of pictures like this one:

The program starts with Holy Eucharist beginning at 5:45 PM followed by a supper and then her presentation starting at about 7:00 PM.

*note: attending this Wednesday will be worth 200 years of Purgatory credit.

Bible Study for Friday 3/24

Greetings, this Friday (3-24) at Cafe Calypso the Bible study will be from The Gospel According to St. Matthew, chapters 17-19. A splendid section from St. Matthew's narrative including the Transfiguration, paying taxes, being like children, cutting off your foot, forgiving 7x77 times, adultery, and trying to squeeze through needles. This selection takes us on the journey of Jesus from the Transfiguration to right before the triumphal entry which seemed like a good choice for midway through Lent.

A Coptic (Egyptian) icon of the Transfiguration

"The Good Stuff"

One of our own, the scheming government man, has decided that it would be more efficient to make a blog of all the crazy videos and other ridonculous things he finds online. He has created a blog entitled "The Good Stuff" which according to the site description is "a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas". The address for his blog is There is a link to his site on the newly created "Friend's Pages" list on the sidebar. So che-che-check it out.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Friday 3/17 Bible Study

This Friday at Cafe Calypso we will be studying Hebrews chapters 4 and 5. It's good. I promise.

Ponder this

Last Friday we came across a verse that Jewish Scribes and Sages placed markers over to designate that it was puzzling to them and that the true meaning of the verse was beyond them. So, for your pondering pleasure, here it is:
"The secret things belond to the Lord our God; but those things that are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may keep and do all the words of this law." -Deut. 29:29

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nuns Getting Married

Four novice nuns were about to take their vows. Dressed in their white gowns, they came into the chapel with the Mother Superior, and were about to undergo the ceremony to marry them to Jesus, making them "Brides of Christ."

Just as the ceremony was about to begin, four Hasidic Jews with yarmulkes, long sideburns and long beards came in and sat in the front row.

The Mother Superior said to them, "I am honored that you would want to share this experience with us, but do you mind if I ask you why you came?"

One of the Jews replied, "We're from the groom's family."

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Friday 3/10 Bible Study

This Friday (an Ember Friday), March 1o, we will be reading through Deuteronomy 29-30 (and 31 if there is time). We meet at Cafe Calypso (inside Half Price Books) at 6:00 PM.

Cliff Maus

Saturday, March 11 (an Ember Day by the way) is the monthly Cliff Maus Birthday Party. Those interested in volunteering some time to spend with the children of Cliff Maus be there at 1:00 PM. The address is 1458 W Point Rd. The quickest route is to take SPID to the Greenwood exit. Take a right on Greenwood (towards the water) until you see West Point. Take a left. Cliff Maus is the first complext on the right.

(Paid) Summer Internship Opportunity

Good Samaritan Community Services, formerly (Good Samaritan Center) isoffering a paid summer internship, working with the agency's Developmentoffice in San Antonio on special events and, in particular, the summercamping program. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptionalindividual who has a heart for working with youth and has completed at leastone year of college. The paid internship extends from May 22 to August 13,and involves assisting in the processes of registering neighborhood youthfor Camp Capers, evaluating their needs, purchasing and organizing supplies,as well as arranging camp physicals and transportation. Other dutiesinclude registering and accompany our youth participants to VBS programs,correspondence, working with volunteers and assisting with the End of Schooland Back to School celebrations.
Thank you!
Bette Boyd, Director of Church and Community RelationsGood Samartitan Community Services
1600 Saltillo Street
San Antonio, Texas
210 434-5531 x324

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bound for Glory

If you were not able to make it to the 102nd Diocesan Council, but would still like to know what the Bishop had to say-click here:

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

100 years or 1000 years off?

To settle this debate I thought I would re-read my original email concerning Song of Songs and Scalawags.
From the email: 'there's a "one century off purgatory" special if you know where that word comes from.'
From Merriam-Webster
one: being a single unit or thing
century: a group, sequence, or series of 100 like things -or- a period of 100 years especially of the Christian era or of the preceding period of human history

In conclusion, it's 100 years off. Deal with it.