Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hebrew Conception of the Universe

Friday the 23rd we will be studying the Creation as described in Genesis 1 & 2. When you read chapter 1 you read about a firmament and waters above and below. This is confusing for us on this side of the Scientific Revolution so here is a diagram that shows how the people of the Old Testament saw the universe.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ways to mess up the Trinity

Are you a heretic?

At last friday's Bible study we discussed the more common ways to mess up the Trinity. Well now you can take this quiz to see just how heretical or orthodox you trully are!

St. Augustine of Hippo refuting a heretic

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Friday Bible Study: The Trinity

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday and, in respect for this feast day, this Friday's Bible study will focus on selections from Scripture that describe differant aspects of the Trinity. I know, you're thinking that this will be a tough one, the dogma of the Trinity did not exist at the time of the composition of the Gospels or the Epistles... well it is all Edward's fault.

This diagram is about the best one possible in showing the make up of the Trinity. For the Bible study, it would be good if you could bring a Book of Common Prayer since we will also be looking there.

Once again, it's Edward's fault.