Thursday, April 06, 2006

(Humorous) Bible Study Gone Wrong

This is a look at what a bad Bible study can look like. It is also very similar to one of the Bible studies I had to suffer through with the Navigators when I was a member many years ago.

Study guide leader opens in long prayer thanking God for bringing them together in his wonderful miraculous mighty power, and thanking him for the Epistemic tendencies within this group...

Study Guide Leader (SGL):So, group, today we're going to look at St. Henry's fourteenth epistle to the Epistemenes. Chapter thirty-nine and a quarter, verse four. In the Newly Uninspired Version, it says: "All Men who have elvis-style hair are sinners."Does anyone want to tell me what they think the Bible says about men with elvis-style hair?

Member One: Well, in my Leatherbound Unauthorised version...

Member Two pushes in quickly: You mean the Queen Elisabeth version?

Member One: Riiight. Yeah. Well, it says idolaters.

SGL: Yess.... but didn't we agree to only use the NUV in this group? I thought we agreed it was the most accurate....

One: But... But... *retires, crushed and doesn't say anything else*

SGL, brightly: "So, does anyone else got any thoughts about men with elvis-style hair?"

Three, rather slowly: "They're, like, doin' sommat wrong?"

SGL: "Nearly, Nearly, we're getting closer... what do we call that?"

Three: "Uh, sin?"

SGL: "Right. So..."

Four, suddenly looking bright, quickly changing out of the extreme boredom from before: "Men who've got elvis-style hair are sinners?"

SGL: "RIGHT! Brilliant! I would NEVER have thought of that. Let's meet up next week to discuss the second half of the verse...."

courtesy of "SirTimothy"


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's crazy I hope we never get like that.


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